
I’m an individual curious about the wisdom contained in all of us. Previous societies cherished and recorded the wisdom of their tribes’ elders for next generations to use for their benefit. Why did this practice end?

After working for over 20 years with older adults, I’ve had the honor of hearing some great life stories and insights. I’ve had some good advice, bad advice and some that took more living to truly understand. But all in all I’ve been honored that these individuals trusted me. My plan is to begin officially recording and documenting the oral histories of our elders and other adults whose stories and legacies may inspire next generations but also improve our society’s knowledge and understanding about aging with grace and dignity. Can we improve on our current psychosocial theories of aging and dying as a result of documenting people’s’ views, lessons learned, ability to adapt, etc? There is much to be learned from them and time is of the essence.

I can be contacted via email at: lindajrooney@gmail.com. if you have comments, insights from great stories you’ve heard from older adults or if you know of an older adult who would be interested in being interviewed and recorded.

Please note that by sharing you are giving approval for this information to be shared publicly on my blog. Thank you.



30 thoughts on “About”

  1. I have no great wisdom to impart but I do want to tell you thanks for taking the time to read my musings. I really do appreciate it


    • Wisdom can be great and small in nature. It helps us deal with the cant’s we let take us over and the cant’s we ignored. What made the difference in our approach? That’s where wisdom and life’s lessons can come into play.

      Thanks for accepting my follow and stopping by to explore! I appreciate it 🙂


  2. What a lovely idea, Linda. I’ve recently started to volunteer in an old people home and I feel so privileged to be able to hear their stories.


  3. What a wonderful content theme for your blog. I look forward to more stories.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I enjoy your blog and nominated you for a bloggers award! Find out more about it on my post at http:// thebeespeak.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award/. I hope this link works! If not, try going to thebeespeak.


  5. Looking forward to lots of enlightening reading here Linda. Regards from Thom at the Immortal Jukebox


  6. Hi … your “about’ page reminds me that I had the great honor and privilege of interviewing a lady who celebrated 100 years!! I was a novice then or I gone back for more “wisdom”. However the thing that stood out most for me was her ability to LAUGH. She was so lovable in her laughter.

    I will dig up the story n share…with a pingback??

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The Sound of Summer said:

    HI There, I have nominated you for the ‘One Lovely Blog award. If you would like to accept the award, simply follow the instructions on my post here


    • Alan- What a great notification to receive! Thank you. I appreciate the nomination and vote of confidence. Love you’re blog too! I’m also jealous that you’ve seen Van Morrison in concert so many times 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. This award is for new bloggers who are getting started and have less than 200 followers. It is also to give other new bloggers recognition for their writing and that is what I am doing. So if you would like to participate go to my blog here: http://wtfaioa.wordpress.com/


    • Thank you for the nomination Laura! Two in one day, I’m actually in shock. It looks like I’ve got a lot of thinking, typing, and linking ahead of me for the next few days. However, I accept these assignments with much gratitude. 🙂


  9. Great idea for your blog. In today’s fast paced society the older and wiser are being phased out. There is so much history in their stories and they need to be remembered and passed on. Looking forward to reading more.


    • Thank you for exploring my blog. I appreciate it! You know I agree with you about the need to remember the wisdom of our older adults. It’s a resource that’s sadly being wasted.


  10. Hi 🙂 I just found your blog on the Commons. Congrats on finishing Blogging and Writing 101 🙂 (Or is it just Writing 101?)


  11. Thank you for the follow! Your blog looks great! Hmmmm, wisdom…definitely comes with age! I’m getting there! Look forward to more of your posts!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Linda — you have a great idea here, and I very much agree that the wisdom of elders ought to be appreciated much more than it is today. Our culture’s negative attitudes toward aging definitely need to be shifted in a better direction!

    This year I’ve been on a virtual journey to discover and comment on a positive blog every day, keeping a list on my own site, and have added your blog as today’s entry. 🙂


  13. Some of the most insightful comments were sometimes offhand remarks from Octogenarians. Either one of my Grandparents (I was only lucky enough to have met two of them) when they spoke- I was always “all ears”. To the point that I had earned a less-than-desirable nickname of “Radar” as a kid. I miss them both terribly and wish that I had the opportunity to have recorded all of our conversations about the past, and our oral histories.


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